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Linguistics in English Language

English is given a privileged position. In deciding to focus on English over other majority and minority languages within these contexts, policymakers are, deliberately or inadvertently, further enhancing the economic and sociopolitical value of English, and disempowering local languages and communities. Linguistic theories are abstract ideas about what language is and how it works; this knowledge is understood in terms of the study of language (through a creation of metalanguage�grammatics�and language descriptions). These linguistic descriptions are then taken into account in developing texts and other material that students are exposed to in their learning environment. In short, different linguistic theories explain language in different ways, which result in different types of language descriptions and influence the choices of texts and grammatical components used in the pedagogical material that students learn and are taught through. Similarly, various theories of learning and teaching explain how (language) learning takes place and how this understanding can be used for teaching purposes. These theories are taught to the teachers during their training programs, and the teachers use them in developing their pedagogical practices. Frameworks of language in education policy also influence the curriculum, which in turn, shapes the syllabi, textbooks, and other teaching and learning resources that the students use in their classes. Thus, the three broad theoretical areas are operationalized in different ways to shape the learning�teaching behavior and material that students experience. Through this paper, we discuss about linguistics imoacts. Index Terms� English Language, Linguistics, Teaching.