Paper Title
Technological Factors Influencing The Adoption Intentions of Public Cloud Computing By The Private Sector Firms
Cloud computing is an evolving term these days. Itdescribes the advance of many existing IT technologies andseparates application and information resources from theunderlying infrastructure.The main objective of this research is to identify the technological factors influencing the intentions to adopt the public computing by the private sector firms. The four technological factors influence in the cloud computing adoption is examined in this research by using a proposed integrated model. The model incorporates aspects of the Technological factors such as Complexity, Compatibility, Security Concerns andTrialability.In order to test influencing technological factors a study was done and one hundred and twenty two valid responses were received from IT decision makers from forty firms in different industries. The results revealed that the Compatibility and Trialability are the main influential factors in the adoption intentions of public cloud computing. Future research could be built on this study by developing different model for each industry because each industry has unique characteristics that can influence the adoption of the technological innovations.
Keywords- cloud computing, virtualization, security, Compatibility,Complexity, Trialability