Paper Title
Time Distribution In The Accumlating Priority Queue

This study is categorized as research paper and the researcher is interested in the customer of different classes arrive at store for service facilities, where the performance of each class are specified. In order to manage this type of queue, the researcher implements a queuing task that provides an outcome to achieve the target performance for each class. The ratio of mean waiting times is used to compare the profit of the store. The customer with the highest accumulated priority at that time point is the one that is selected for service. Kleinrock called such a queue a time-dependent priority queue, but we shall refer to it as the accumulating priority queue. Purpose: The Purpose of this research is to identify whether advertising influence the service provided to customer and it further will emphasis whether the provided service to the customer significantly affecting the profit of the store. Methodology: The quantitative approach is used for cause and effect thinking, use of measurements and observations test the theories, research question and hypotheses statement. Findings: The Researcher has Successfully Find out that there is significant relationship between the advertisement and on the time taken by customer for arrival and order per customer. Value: The research has a great value due to its specific emphasis on the subject which has provided detail statically analysis on the subject which will be very helpful for the students, professional, and researchers. Keywords- Kleinrock, time dependent, priority, queue, customer, Advertising, consumer, services, performance effects, maximizing profits.