Paper Title
Knowledge and Participation of Student on Flood Mitigation as Effort For Disaster Risk Reduction

Flood disaster is very common in some region in Indonesia. Knowledge and participation on flood mitigation to become necessary to done by the student that one of the most vulnerable in the society during a disaster. As we know, disaster mitigation is one of the efforts in disaster risk reduction and become global concern currently. The aim of this research was to determine student�s level of knowledge on the mitigation of floods disaster. In addition to knowing the form of mitigation undertaken by students as well as the percentage of the level of participation in the mitigation. The data analysis of this research use quantitave descriptive method. Data were analyzed using excel. Classification based on school unit that t prone area and not prone to flood disaster by the distance to the nearest river. The number of respondents are 667 students from 6 junior high schools in surakarta, sukoharjo and klaten residency, Indonesia. The result shows; 1) the average level of student knowledge on flood mitigation included in the category of very understand, 2) the average level of student who attend school in prone area to flood disaster are included in category of very understand and mitigation action by student in their environment. Therefore, level of student who attend school in not prone area to flood are included in category understand and students do not participate in mitigation action in their environment.Disaster education for student is one of disaster risk reduction effort and has been taught in Indonesia through the social studies subject. But, there are several problematic in implementation of disaster mitigation education on field. The participation of all parties of nationality, government, local are indispensable for better disaster education for Indonesia in the future. Keywords� Flood, Mitigation Knowledge, Mitigation Participation and Student.