Paper Title
Knowing About Your Food Safety From the Farm to the Table: Using Food Traceability Systems that Reduce Information a Symmetry in Taiwan

In the past several years, the steady occurrences of food safety problems in Taiwan have caused consumers to pay much more attention to the origin and ingredients of the products they buy. As a result of changes in attitudes of consumption, modern consumers are not only in pursuit of �inexpensive� products, but also �good quality� ones. Thus,while working to satisfy consumer requirements, firms must drive down productions costs in order to increase market share and bolster profits. When asymmetric information exists in the market, due to both human and environmental factors, situations of market failure will occur. Furthermore, transaction costs and the emergence of transaction difficulties can result in scenarios where some businesses engage in opportunism.The number of consumers using food traceability mechanisms is increasing daily. Food traceability systems (FTS) are designed for the purpose of effectively controlling the production conditions throughout the entire production processes, thereby reducing the potential for problems to occur. Also, if there is a problem with the food materials, the source of the problem can be quickly traced by using the production control information recorded throughout production processes.This helps clarify supplier responsibility, and, when the FTS are used in a transparent manner, may reduce the unease felt by consumers.In this research, Social Cognitive Theory will serve as the basis. It will discuss the effect that market conditions, consumer awareness and consumer behavior have on one another and look at whether or not these will impact consumer willingness to use food traceability mechanisms or purchase food traceability products when there are doubts about the quality or source of the food. Furthermore, it will examine the mediating effect of �food supplier consumer confidence� and �perceived supplier risk� factors. Finally, it will verify whether or not there is a significant positive influence that exists between consumer confidence in food suppliers and their willingness to make a purchase;also, whether or not there is a significant negative influence relationship that exists with respect to perceived supplier risk and the consumers willingness to purchase a product. Keywords� Market failure; Trust; PerceivedRisk; PurchaseIntention; Food Traceability Systems (FTS)