Paper Title
Reconstruction of Conducting Cadet�s Code as Efforts to Break The Chain of Violence/Bullying to Remove the Human Rights Violations at Merchant Marine Universities in Indonesia

The problem of violence in the education world is one issue that is quite urgent to get sharp spotlight, because in some cases the effect of the violence is death, so it needs to be addressed appropriately. This became the reason why I did the research titled "Reconstruction of Conducting Cadet�s Code as an Effort to Break the Chain of Violence/Bullying to Remove the Human Rights Violations at Merchant Marine Universities in Indonesia�. This research will answer the problems: 1) The factors that affect the implementation of the norms of discipline cadets in an attempt to break the chain of violence/bullying that leads to human rights violations in merchant marine university of Indonesia, 2) weaknesses application of norms discipline cadets in an attempt to break the chain of violence that leads to human rights violations on merchant marine university of Indonesia. 3) reconstruction of the norms of discipline cadets in an attempt to break the chain of violence/bullying in order to remove human rights violations on a merchant marine university of Indonesia. The method of research used juridical sociological (socio legal research), to discuss the issues closely related to the social reality and the real behavior of the man himself in this community of cadets/university students on merchant marine university of Indonesia. Weaknesses in the application of norms of discipline cadets at the merchant marine university of Indonesia are: 1) norms of discipline cadets do not accommodate the protection of human rights, 2) not reflect the benefit of law, 3) have not been oriented to happiness cadets, 4) firmness in the application of norms of governance cadets in order to break the chain of violence is only done partially. Reconstruction norms of discipline cadets in general are: 1) to clarify the violations that exists so unambiguous and misinterpretation things lead to imposing sanctions, 2) to breach of a non physical will also be included explicitly, it is because violence is not only physical, but also non-physical nature. 3) the disciplinary rules should also be included the mechanism of figuring points and the execution of sentences must consider the physical state of the cadets, 4) optimizing the role of psychology in unit-oriented paradigm instill respect for human rights. Keywords� Reconstruction, Norm, Violation of Human Rights.