Paper Title
An Empirical Multilayer Thickness Design Method For Flexible Pavement Used In Delta Region Of Egypt

Design and construction of flexible pavements has been changed significantly during the past two decades. Since the performance of the AASHTO Road Test, many important concepts have been brought forth. Among these was the demonstration of the major influence of traffic loads and repetitions upon design thickness. Also, the quantitative definition of pavement failure based on user-oriented rather than only structural failure was a major contribution by that test. This concept led to development of the serviceability-performance method. Based on the observed performance of the AASHTO Road Test, many thickness design methods have been developed. The main purpose of this study is to incorporate mechanistic and empirical information in developing a reliable design procedure for highway asphalt pavements in Egypt. An engineering technique employing the multilayered elastic concept that has been used in worldwide thickness design methods was adopted. Environmental and climatic conditions that prevailing and applicable to the Egyptian roads were introduced. Design charts were developed in an easy way to be used. A comparison between this method and others that used by most Egyptian highways agencies are also presented. It can be concluded that the proposed pavement design method is found to be reliable, rational and reflecting Egypt own environmental conditions. Index Terms- Asphalt pavement, thickness design, environmental condition, Multilayered