Paper Title
Examining The Themes Of Relationship Between Entrepreneur�s Discipline Factor According To The Quran And The Achievement Of Succesfull Muslim Entrepreneurs In Malaysia

Discipline is one of the major contributing factors in order to be successful in entrepreneurship. Discipline in entrepreneurship refers to a system which has been set by an entrepreneur in managing their business and followed by a significant effort in order to achieve their missions and goals, based on the system (Muhammad Jusoh, 1982). For Muslim entrepreneurs, the system must not violate the Islamic Law. Discipline of an entrepreneur is closely related to their excellent time and financial management (Danial Zainal Abidin, 2009). Meanwhile, the entrepreneur�s discipline factor according to the Quran including discipline in their time management, avoiding procrastination, discipline in financial management of the business and avoiding unnecessary expenditure. Therefore, this research is going to analyze the themes of relationship between entrepreneur�s discipline factor according to Quran and the achievement of Muslim entrepreneurs. The research data is obtained by interviewing ten successful Muslim entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Results of this research concluded that there are the themes of relationship between the entrepreneur�s discipline factor according to the Quran and the success of Muslim entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Keywords- Discipline; Quran; goals; achievement; Muslim entrepreneur.