Paper Title
The Effect Of Innovative Leadership On The Management Of Change Process

Nowadays globalization converted and changed the world into a small village and in this village there a high of conflict and competition between organizations and companies. In this scenario the most effective and beneficial maneuver for any company is create or find innovative ways in conducting business. Leadership is playing very important role in the creativity and innovation process, motivating people and setting the vision and mission for the future in order to achieve specific goals. Really the leader is the one who is very genius and clever, and the one who is looking to change and develop the styles of thinking, innovations, setting new strategies and create new completion. So that the leader must have high charisma and strong personality in order to innovate. This study investigated the relationship and influence of innovative leadership on management of change. The study showed that transformational leadership style is the most effective and efficient for the change in any organization. Keywords: Leadership, Innovation, Change Management, Organizational Change, Innovative Leadership.