Paper Title
The Impact Of The Repetitive Vertical Jump Operation On The Basic Physical Fitness And The Isokinetic Exercise Capacity Of The Lower Limbs Of The Elementary Students
This study is to measure the relevance of the repetitive vertical jump action not only with the basic physical strength but also with the isokinetic exercise capacity of the lower limbs. Significant difference was showed in the endurance and quickness. In the areas of muscular strength and flexibility there was also significant difference. However, no significant difference was detected in the agility and balance muscular strength and flexibility. In relation to lower limb isokinetic muscular strength, 60�/sec of flexors and extensors of both the left and the right knee showed significant interactive effect. In relation to lower limb isokinetic muscular endurance, 180�/sec of flexors and extensors of both the left and the right knee showed significant interactive effect.
Index Terms� Vertical Jumping Motion, Physical Fitness, Lower Limb Isokinetic Function