Paper Title
Taking E‐Learning Forward Through Digital Library In Afghan Dynamics
Digital library management systems, comprised of digitized content, have become an integral part of the information landscape. The paper responds to increased user expectations for faster and easier access to relevant information as well as institutional demands for increased operational efficiency. It is called e-Ketabtoon, which is an attempt to replace the existing slow and inefficient paper-based library management in Afghanistan. The architecture splits into two parts: (i) the server-side; and (ii) the client-side. Both are highly independent from, yet enforce each other. In addition, a hashing algorithm is used for faster data retrieval and to authenticate message senders and receivers. Hopefully with all of the changes, e-Ketabtoon would make the library run much more efficiently and smoothly.
Index Terms- E-Ketabtoon; Server-Side, Client-Side, Hashing Algorithm, Digital Library Management.