Paper Title
Pattern of Rural- Urban Migration and Socio-Economic Transformation in West Bengal, India

Migration is one of the important paradigms of the changing socio-economic conditions of any region. Rural-urban migration affects socio-economic composition in both place of origin and destination. In this paper, an attempt has been made to examine the patterns of rural-urban migration and to understand how it influences the socio-economic conditions in West Bengal. This study is based on the secondary source and uses migration data by place of last residence. Pattern of rural-urban migration is shown by intra-district, inter-district, inter-state level. Different twenty seven variables are selected from social and economic sectors e.g. demographic, educational, agriculture, industrial, health, infrastructural sectors for showing relation with rural-urban migration. Statistical method of Karl Pearson�s co-efficient of correlation has been used to find out the linkages between rural-urban migration and socio-economic variables. The study found that the long distance (inter-state and inter-district) rural-urban migrants are contributing more to the development of socio-economic condition of destination as compared to short distant rural-urban migrants (intra-district). Keywords- Migration stream, Rural-urban migration, Spatial variations, Socio-Economic Transformation.