Paper Title
AI-Driven Customer Insights in it Services: A Framework for Personalization and Scalable Solutions

New developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in IT services have drastically altered how companies use customer insights to supply personalized and scalable responses to a wide variety of client necessities. The focus of this study consists in the use of AI tools and algorithms in customer data analysis, but also in the sense that they are useful for providing targeted and efficient IT service solutions. The findings are robust because a mixed-methods approach was employed, using qualitative analysis of case studies and quantitative evaluations of service outcomes. The results show that adding AI features into workflows of IT services can significantly improve satisfaction metrics for customer, operating efficiency, and the scalability of the service overall. Additionally, the paper organizes frameworks and different strategies for utilizing AI devices and investigating issues, for example, data secrecy, calculation predisposition, and extendibility. This research also helps bridge a few of the existing gaps in the existing body of knowledge about potential AI applications in customer–centric IT service and provides actionable insights for practitioners and policymakers. The main takeaways indicate how much organizations need to start seeing AI as a business growth strategy and not as a technological advancement. Related to this, future research needed to understand the ethical considerations of artificial intelligence in customer insights, and the overall implications of artificial intelligence, in the context of media distributors and different cultural and regulatory environments. Keywords - AI-driven insights, Customer personalization, IT service scalability, Algorithmic frameworks, Data-driven solutions