Paper Title
To Study the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Using Srtuctured Knowledge Questionnaire for Pre-Adult Girls

Adolescence and the pre-adult stage is a period of rapid transition from childhood to adulthood. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is an endocrine system disorder with a collection of symptoms that are found as a result of a broad- spectrum hormonal disturbance. It is considered as one of the most common endocrine disorder in women at their reproductive age and a leading cause for infertility. Objective: The aim of the study is to improve the knowledge of pre-adult girls regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome. Materials & Methods: The study was conducted for about 160 participants among the pre-adult girls of selected departments Dr. N. G. P. Arts and Science college, Coimbatore. Quantitative-correlational and evaluative research approach and Pre experimental two group pre-test post-test research design was adopted among 160 pre-adult girls selected by using Non probability purposive sampling technique. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge regarding PCOS.The video assisted teaching programme was given to the experimental group for 2 weeks and then the post test was conducted to them. Results & Discussion: It is found that the VAT has increased the knowledge of PCOS from 5% of adequacy to 60% of adequacy. The effectiveness of the teaching programme assessed by paired ‘t’ test also has a significant difference in the pre and post-test knowledge at p<0.05% level of significance. It is also found that there is no significant difference in association with the control and experimental group of study and the variables used in the study using chi square test. Conclusion: From this study, it is concluded that the video assisted teaching programme has a greater impact on the experimental group of sample who were given the education. Keywords - Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Video Assisted Teaching, Health related quality-of-life, Body Mass Index