Paper Title
Development and Characterization of Tofu from Pulse-Based Milk
Plant based milk is a potential dietary alternative for substitution of cow’s milk in diet of people suffering from milk allergy and lactose intolerance. The present study was thus aim to evaluate the effects of different combinations of tofu developed by milk extracted from soy beans, chickpea, green gram, and horse gram. The composite milk was made from equal proportion of horse gram chickpea and green gram. The tofu was developed with different combination of soy milk and composite milk as T1 (70:30), T2 (60:40), T3 (50:50) and to only with soy milk. All the developed tofu’s were examined for sensory properties. The combination T1 (70% of soy milk + 30% of composite milk) scored high in all sensory attribute. The proximate analysis revealed (68.00%) moisture, (1.24%) ash, (6.7%) pH, (108 Kcal) energy & (26.02g) protein. When compared to commercially available tofu, the nutritious profile of the tofu blend made with pulse milk was superior. The outcome revealed that the tofu developed from the milk extracted from green gram, horse gram, chickpea and soybean is a nutrient rich functional food product. Significant differences of P <0.05 were examined.
Keywords - Pulse Milk, Dairy Free Alternative, Composite Milk, Sensory Properties