Paper Title
Digital Skill Development in Vocational Learning: Core Skills in Vocational Education

Developing digital skills in vocational learning is a strategic step to respond to the needs of an industrial world that is increasingly technology-oriented. This article discusses the importance of integrating digital skills in vocational education to formulate core skills that are relevant and adaptive to the development of industry 4.0. Vocational learning is designed and implemented to build future work skills. Vocational learning is expected to have a major impact on employment as well as career and professional development in various fields of work. The methods used in this research include literature analysis, industry needs surveys, and interviews with stakeholders in education and industry. The research results show that innovation in learning concepts is urgently needed to overcome the challenges faced by vocational education today. This research highlights the importance of developing effective vocational learning models, which are able to combine theory and practice in a balanced manner, and can be adapted quickly to technological changes. In addition, the use of digital technology in vocational learning is crucial to ensure that students are not only technically skilled but also able to compete in the digital era. This research also emphasizes that core skills that are suitable for the new world of work must be formulated by considering the needs of the industry which continues to develop. Keywords - Digital Skill, Vocational Learning, Core Skills, Vocational Education