Paper Title
The Doctrine of “Ngalap Barokah”: Labor Exploitation In The Form of Volunteering (Case Study on The Tradition of Santri Service in Islamic Boarding Schools)

Islamic boarding schools are the educational institutions in Indonesia that absorb labor from their students and alumni. This is due to the narrative of ngalapbarokahpondok as a religious doctrine emphasized in the institution, where this doctrine is deeply rooted and perpetuated to obtain voluntary labor. Therefore, this paper seeks to explain why the narrative of “ngalapbarokahpondok” is used to hegemonize in serving? How is the hegemony of “ngalapbarokahpondok” in service perpetuated by the hut? This research uses qualitative methods as an effort to explain the data by choosing a case study as its approach. The data was collected by means of in-depth interviews, documentation and literature review. Informants were selected from students and alumni who had served. The framework used is the concept of Gramsci's volunteer and a little mention of Max Weber's thoughts on capitalism. The results showed that the ngalapbarokah narrative became a doctrine to normalize the exploitation of labor. This is related to their orientation which is only aimed at safety and gifts from God. In addition, the doctrine succeeded in perpetuating the reciprocity relationship between the Kyai and the servants in several ways, namely the agreement to serve, the withholding of diplomas, service as a condition of graduation, and a sense of reciprocity. The forms of efforts of the boarding school to perpetuate the service program become something that is actually detrimental to the servants, Which is precisely a means to get free labor and exploit it. Keywords - NgalapBarokah, Labor Exploitation, Volunteering, Tradition of