Paper Title
Organometallic Photothermal Material-Based Interfacial Solar Steam Generating Device for Seawater Desalination

Interfacial solar steam generation (ISSG)system is becoming popular now a days in the field of seawater desalination application due to its higher efficiency and electricity independent nature. The efficiency of this system depends on the structure of the solar evaporator and the light absorption capacity as well as light to heat conversion efficiency of the photothermal materials. To explore the potential of organometallic photothermal material in the field of ISSG, some solar evaporators were prepared by coating synthesized novel platinum based photothermal polymer on polyurethane(PU) foam and hydrophilic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)membrane.The performance of three different solar evaporator systems were explored where PU based structure shows better result. The prepared evaporators demonstrated the capacity of absorbing sunlight and convert it to heatdue to the presence of organometallic materials that facilitate sunlight absorption through intermolecular and ligand-to-ligand charge transfer mechanism.Moreover, the porous structure of PUfacilitates water transportation, vapor release and salt rejection during long run operation. Under 1 sun (1 kWm-2), the prepared evaporator demonstrated seawater evaporation rate of 1.52 kgm-2h-1 with evaporation efficiency of 83.1%. The prepared solar evaporator was capable of desalinating natural seawater.The concentration of ions in desalinated waterwassignificantly lower than natural seawaterwhich demonstrates the potential of organometallic photothermal material in the field of ISSG based seawater desalination system. Keywords - Interfacial solar Steam Generation, Seawater Desalination, Organometallic Materials