Paper Title
Medical Supply Inventory Management Using ABC and VED Matrixin Thammasat University Hospital

This study aimed to analyze the distribution trends of medical supplies at Thammasat University Hospital using the ABC-VED matrix, with the objective of enhancing inventory management and reducing costs. Annual re-procurement data for medical supplies from 2021 to 2023 served as the dataset for this analysis. The ABC-VED matrix was employed to classify items into three categories (I, II, and III) based on expenditure significance and criticality. Statistical analysis revealed that Group A items accounted for the largest proportion of expenditures (59.92%) while representing only 8.94% of the total items, whereas Group C items comprised 82.39% of the inventory but contributed just 19.78% to expenditures. The VED analysis showed that Group E, with 53.35% of the items, accounted for a substantial expenditure share of 64.41%. The combined ABC-VED analysis demonstrated that the majority of expenditures were concentrated in Categories I and II, which included high-priority and high-cost groups such as AV, AE, AD, BE, CE, BV, BD, and CV. Regular application of the ABC-VED analysis is recommended prior to each fiscal year to optimize resource allocation, enhance patient care, and ensure cost-effective inventory management. Keywords - Inventory management, ABC-VED analysis, ABC/VED classification