Paper Title
Organizational Climate and Engagement Asantecedents of Staff Performance of The Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection

The primary objectives of this study are to: 1) Assess the organizational climate, levels of employee engagement, and staff performance 2) Compare the organizational climate, employee engagement, and staff performance based on individual demographic factors 3) Determine the extent to which organizational climate and employee engagement predict the staff performance. The research population consisted of 4,270 personnel from the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection nationwide. A sample size of 380 was determined using the Krejcie & Morgan table. Both proportional and simple random sampling techniques were employed. Data was collected through a questionnaire and the reliability was tested using Cronbach's Alpha, yielding coefficients of 0.961for organizational climate, 0.855for employee engagement, and 0.915for staff performance. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were used to analyze data, and inferential statistics including t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to test the hypotheses. Also simple linear regression and multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the influence of variables.The research finding reveals that all three factors (climate, engagement, performance) were at very high levels (mean scores around 4.0). There is not impact of Individual characteristics.Organizational climate significantly predicted employee engagement (47% of the variance).Employee engagement significantly predicted staff performance (46% of the variance).Organizational climate indirectly influenced performance through employee engagement. Keywords - Organizational Climate, Employee Engagement, Performance