Paper Title
Factors Influencing Farmers' Decision to Cultivated Animal Feed Corn in Lop BURI Province

This research aims to study (1) the factors influencing farmers' decision to cultivate animal feed corn in Lop Buri Province and (2) strategies for promoting animal feed corn cultivation in Lop Buri Province. The sample group consists of 400 households of farmers registered with the Lop Buri Provincial Agriculture Office across 10 districts. Data were collected using questionnaires, and the statistical tools employed for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested using Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed four factors influencing farmers' decision to cultivate animal feed corn in Lop Buri Province: physical factors (x ̅=3.76), economic factors (x ̅=3.67), market factors (x ̅=3.54), and public policy factors (x ̅=3.31), respectively. The overall impact of these factors was rated at a high level (x ̅=3.57). Hypothesis testing showed that three factors significantly influenced farmers' decision: market factors (𝛽=0.619), physical factors (𝛽=0.144), and public policy factors (𝛽=0.100), with statistical significance at the 0.05 level. Keywords - Decision-making factors, Animal feed corn, Lopburi Province