Paper Title
Organizational Culture and Good Governance as Antecedents of Organizational Commitment in Top-Performing Local Government Organizations

The objectives of this research are to analyze the mediating role of good governance in the influence of organizational culture on organizational commitment. The population of this study comprised 32 top-performing local government organizations with a total of 2,215 personnel. The sample size was 328 individuals, and using proportional and simple random sampling. Data was collected using a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire; organizational culture at 0.931,good governance at 0.963. and organizational commitment at 0.958. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation), as well as inferential statistics such as t-test, F-test (one-way ANOVA), and simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. The research reveal; there were high levels of involvement and mission culture were observed. Significant differences were found in organizational culture, good governance, and organizational commitment across groups. Organizational culture significantly predicts good governance. Good governance significantly predicts organizational commitment. This conclusion concisely summarizes the key findings of the study, emphasizing the strong relationships between organizational culture, good governance, and organizational commitment. Keywords - Organization Culture, Good Governance, Organization Commitment