Paper Title
Employee Advocacy As A Marketing Strategy to Power Brand Promotion: A Case of Oil Companies in Pakistan

This Research paper aimed to explore employee advocacy, and its role as a marketing strategy which has the protagonist in order to empower the brand promotion. Particularly, this research has indicated the use of a particular country and industry, for the exploration of this research the selected country was Pakistan, and the industry was the oil industry. In this manner, the objectives of this research were to identify the factors of the employee advocacy which are interlinked with empowering brand promotion and its impact on the employee advocacy. In this research, the selected research methods were primary quantitative where questionnaire data was collected. In addition to this, the collected data were analyzed through the SPSS and via correlation and the regression analysis the relationship between the independent as well as the dependent variables here the dependent variable was a brand promotion, and the independent variables were, social media, brand awareness, brand content, organizational culture, opportunities. Where the statistical analysis has indicated tatt the factors which are significantly correlated with the brand promotion in the oil industry are opportunities, brand awareness, as well as brand awareness. In addition, there is a positive relationship between employee advocacy and the marketing strategy for enhancing the marketing. However, in Pakistan, the statistical analysis has indicated that the world-leading platform is not significantly correlated with the brand promotion thus here the employees of the Pakistani oil industry are recommended to focus on the world-leading platform to spread the awareness of their brand. Keywords - Employee advocacy, Marketing Strategy, Brand Promotion, Pakistan Oil Industry