Paper Title
Unraveling Desire Machine in the Short Story “Pelajaran Mengarang”: A Schizoanalytic Study by Deleuze and Guattari”
This study aims to explain the concept of the desiring-machine in the short story “Pelajaran Mengarang” by Seno Gumira Adjidarma, focusing on the main character, Sandra. The production of text interpretation will be examined through semiotics, paying attention to sentences that convey the discourse of desire. After conducting a structural analysis, this research will apply Gilles Deleuze and Guatteri's theory of the desiring-machine.The results of the study show that, first, the character Sandra employs her desiring-machine absolutely in making decision, and her choice to “be different” becomes the central idea driving the story. Second, Sandra steps out of the territory of the typical “happy child” image constructed by her teacher. She moves from the territory of a “happy portrait” to a “realistic portrait” which is brings potential discrimination by her peers for being different. Meanwhile, the mother character becomes a subject who fails to produce desire, as her drinking and work as an entertainer stem not from her own wishes, but from the capitalist oppression that she cannot escape.
Keywords - Desire, Deleuze and Guattari, SGA, Schizoanalysis, Detteritorialization