Paper Title
Cultivating the Taiwan�s Family Farming Through Taiwanese Family Farmers� Cultural Values-Added Process

Nowadays, under the challenges of globalization, environmental deterioration, multicultural missing, insufficiency of food self-support rate problems, it is urgent for Taiwanese family farmer to find their strength competing with the global market. Numerous studies demonstrated family farming and the agroecology farming system can meet the sustainable agriculture development, and these family farmers play crucial roles to reach it because they play the roles of the food producer, social educator, environmental protector and cultural heritage upholder. However little literature has been done on understanding these family farmer�s cultural values, what they believe and how can they change and influence the society. Therefore, this study aims to investigate these family farmers� cultural values and explore how it can cultivate the family farming development by (1) mapping Taiwanese family farmers� cultural values; (2) investigate how these cultural values connect to the community by �circuit of culture� model; (3) developing the cultural values-based development guidelines for small farming development. Data will be collected from both primary sources (in-depth interview with Taiwanese family farmers) and secondary sources (articles, speech, newspaper, magazines.). Keywords� Family Farming, Family Farmers, Cultural Value, Sustainable Development.