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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the immune system. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) occurs at the most advanced stage of infection. HIV attacks the body's white blood cells, weakening the immune system. This makes people more susceptible to diseases such as tuberculosis, infections, and some types of cancer.
To determine the effect of Smartphone Application-Based Health Literacy on Preventing HIV/AIDS in Adolescents The literature sources in this study are mainly from online database journals, such as: Pubmed, Proquest and Google Scholar. Other sources such as textbooks from the library, reports from the Ministry of Health, Theses and Dissertations. Articles that have been identified are entered into Mendeley if there is duplication, deletion is carried out. Furthermore, the title and abstract of the article are screened. In the final phase, reading the full text of the remaining articles and retaining articles that meet the inclusion criteria Based on the results of the literature, it shows that smartphone applications can be a powerful tool in improving adolescent health literacy related to HIV/AIDS. Interactive features such as quizzes, videos, and discussion forums have been shown to be effective in increasing knowledge and changing attitudes among adolescents.
HIV/AIDS prevention among adolescents is an important effort to reduce transmission of infection and adverse impacts related to reproductive health. Conventional approaches such as health education, condom promotion, and HIV/AIDS counseling and testing are often ineffective because they do not consider the socio-cultural context and spiritual beliefs of adolescents.
Keywords - Health Literacy, Smartphone Application, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Adolescents