Paper Title
The purpose of this study is to examine the Owada Model in HIV Management Based on Local Characteristics to Support Arv Treatment Compliance Behavior in Odha in the Meepago Customary Area, Central Papua Province The design of this study uses systematic review, which is a literature research that reviews critical quality journals, which have been filtered by inclusion criteria and use several Google Scholar databases, Pubmed, Science Direct and Research Gate as literacy in this study. The search of this systematic review is limited to literature search in the last 10 years (2014-2024) by using the keywords "Effectiveness of HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Through Mass Media for Adolescents" by using the following keywords "Educational effectiveness", "HIV/AIDS prevention", "Mass media", "Adolescents".with the determination of questions that follow the PICO technique. The results of the study show that the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS prevention education through mass media for adolescents; 1) One of the effective methods for increasing knowledge among adolescents is peer education. Peer education can increase learning independence, formulate goals, plan strategies, identify learning resources using media. 2) The importance of mass media in health promotion in disease prevention, the use of media is very affect the improvement of knowledge and changes in health behavior. education will achieve better goals if it is supported or uses learning media and educational programs about HIV/AIDS can increase public knowledge about HIV/AIDS. 3) Intervention through social media by peer educators has an effect on increasing adolescents' knowledge and attitudes about HIV & AIDS. 4) The information factor also greatly affects the increase of knowledge because information is illumination, notifications, news or news about something. 5) Learning using audiovisual media is to clarify and make it easier for health communicators to convey messages so that the information conveyed is not too verbal.
Keywords - Effectiveness, Education, Prevention, HIV, AIDS, Mass Media, Adolescents