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Background - Level wedding early on the Island Taliabu , North Maluku very high, the happen without readiness candidate bride become parents especially candidate Mother . This is what improves it factor risk become contributor stunted children in the future come. Objective - With do analysis Health Literacy for Prevention of Anemia in Prospective Brides. Method - The research method used is Literature Review research with PRISMA plan. Results - The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that anemia is diagnosed based on lower blood hemoglobin concentration specified threshold based on age, type gender, and physiological status. This is considered as symptom from something underlying condition. UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) supports programs that make food nutritious more easy accessible and affordable, and use communication change behavior For promote pattern Eat nourishing and changing norms and practices social. Women have need different nutrients throughout his life – esp before and during pregnancy and timing breastfeeding, when vulnerability the greatest nutrition. Ensure Woman get food nutritious and service as well as adequate care is matter fundamental for continuity life and prosperity mother and children they. Before pregnant, woman need nutritious and safe food For form sufficient reserves For pregnancy. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the need energy and matter nutrition increase. Vulnerability Mother pregnancy and complications of anemia are necessary done anticipation to effective and appropriate efforts and programs in matter This. Recognize behavior and the factors that influence it For change or modify existing and replacing behavior behavior new for the effectiveness of the program is an effective strategy that emphasizes the role of educational models health and health promotion. Therefore that, educational model health and promotion health is good guide For analyze influencing factors effective, and recommended behavior, planning, and intervention For obtain useful and effective results. Conclusions and Suggestions - Quality information and education provided can influence in prevent anemia. Quality information and education must be accurate, up to date, and easy understoo. Educational media content electronic and print can makes it easier candidate bride For access information and education in enrich his knowledge. Important For ensure thatin recognize various factor affecting behavior, in designing and implementing educational and intervention programs, namely choose a model or appropriate theory. One of effective theory in success conversion behavior bad become behavior Healthy is theory behavior planned (TPB) Keywords - Anemia, Nutrition, Health Literacy, Bride and Groom