Paper Title
This project focuses on creating and testing a passive radar system to detect and track aircraft using TV signals. Unlike traditional radar, which sends out signals and measures reflections, passive radar uses existing signals from sources like TV broadcasts to spot targets. This method takes advantage of the wide availability and strength of TV transmissions in the VHF and UHF frequency ranges (50 MHz to 700 MHz). A Software-Defined Radio (SDR) and a dipole antenna are used to capture both direct and reflected TV signals. By applying signal processing techniques such as demodulation, filtering, and cross-correlation, the system detects changes in the signals to track flying objects. The system proved successful in detecting aircraft in real time, providing accurate data on their positions and movements. This real-time capability is important for tasks like monitoring airspace, border surveillance, and ensuring safe landings. The project also addressed issues with signal quality in noisy environments by using effective filtering and amplification methods. Overall, the project showed that this radar system is cost-effective and discreet since it uses existing TV signals without sending out any of its own. It also added to the knowledge of passive radar technology and its potential for use in aerial monitoring.
Keywords - SDR, VHF & UHF Frequency