Paper Title
Ecotourism Activities In Turkey; Sample Of GOKSU Valley

Tourism which is the most rapidly developing sector has also brought new searches. As a consequence ecotourism activities become important. Ecotourism is a tourism activity which is harmonize the natural environment with tourism activities, has responsibility for at least negative effects on the environment and not disrupting the social structure. Ecotourism has benefited the formation of many types of tourism as a policy. Ecotourism has a special interest in Turkey's 2023 tourism vision. Strategic plannings have been made for the development of it and ecotourism areas have been identified. One of these fields is the area where the Taurus Mountains. G�ksu which is the third biggest river falling into Mediterranean located on Mediterrenean Coast of Adana part in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin. G�ksu is important in terms of the separation of the Taurus Mountains as Western and Central Taurus Mountains. It provide it�s sources from Geyik Mountains placed in Taurus Mountains and many karst sources in Taşeli Plateau. G�ksu River generally fed by snow melt and rain waters, ) flows in the narrow and deep (notch and throat) valleys. G�ksu River consits of by combining the two main branches and many small arms. It prepared a suitable place for doing ecotourism activities in the field from summit of Taurus to sea level. This field is poised to become a major ecotourism regions if required infrastructure, advertising and promotional be done where may do many ecotourism activities as trekking, rafting, bird watching, camping caravan and wild life. In this study the region will be evaluated all aspects and ecotourism potential of it. Keywords: Turkey, Ecotourism, Vision, G�ksu Valley