Paper Title
Benefits And Challenges of Education Terminology (Based on Euro Parliament Term Coord Project)

Education is the field undergoing systematic changes and development that results in the necessity of constant research. Consequently, this process presents a handful of modern terminology that might become ambiguous by creating obstacles to understanding in different languages. Modern terminology mainly originates from the English language that has become the source of spreading the terms amongst different languages worldwide. Therefore, many people struggle with properly comprehending the idea behind a term that may cause misunderstanding of modern terminology misleading the process and consequent outcomes. The goal of Euro Project- Terminology coordination between Euro Parliament TermCoord and Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University is to harmonize the multilingual term base of the European Parliament.Moreover, the project aims at research and lexical processing of thematic (medicine, culture (archaeology), education) terms, referring to sources and academic reference materials. Besides the driving force of the project is to create modules for field terms and reference materials on; The process of working on terminology within the framework of the project is being carried out by developing the terminological corpus base of BSU (Batumi Shota Rustaveli state University). It will contain the thematic terminology that is being developed by BSU academics and students with copyright protection. This particular study aims to determine what challenges and benefits have been identified in the process of working in the field of education. Quantitative, descriptive and comparative methods have been applied in this research paper. The quantitative method has been used for data collection analysis, while the descriptive and comparative methods have been attributed to content analysis. The results suggest that the benefits are as follows: (a) education terms have been processed and placed on, which will be needed within the framework of association with the European Union; (b) processed thematic terminology in the area of education is available and the process of coordination-harmonization with Term Coord is the subject to be completed; (c) the thematic terminology will serve to minimize ambiguity in the field of education. And the challenges are as follows: (a) some terms do not have corresponding Georgian equivalent; (b) some terms cannot be referred to any kind of sources in Georgian; (c) some terms cannot be referred to any kind of context in Georgian. Keywords - Terms, Translation, Education, Methods, Challenges