Paper Title
Facilitation of Language Ability for Community in Local Tourism Information Communication

Research objectives were to facilitate foreign language ability used for local tourism information communication in local community people, Thailand and to create electronic dictionary in Thai, Lao Wiang, Mon, English and Chinese language to facilitate communication skill in local people aprovince in the middle Thailand, to evaluate foreign language ability used for local tourism information communication in local community people after they learnt using developed electronic dictionary. The research methodology is divided into four main parts: 1. developing an electronic dictionary with a multimedia appearance at the level of words, sentences, conversation, and description from Thai to Lao Wiang, Mon, English and Chinese languages, 2. creating a knowledge test tool to collect data, 3. providing the development process of Thai, Lao Wiang, Mon, English and Chinese word knowledge in 100 local people using electronic dictionary, 4. evaluating Thai, Lao Wiang, Mon, English and Chinese word knowledge in 100 local people before and after the study using electronic dictionary, and 5. interviewing10 local people concerning their solutions if they are unable to communicate effectively with foreigners. The findings include: 1. The content of electronic dictionaryis divided into 5 chapters: Chapter 1 local food and desserts, Chapter 2 clothes, Chapter 3 local products, Chapter 4 cultural attractions, and Chapter 5 cultural activities. Local people obtained average pre-test score of 21.47 and average post-test score of 43.89 from total 60. The average score obtained from post-test was significantly higher than pre-test.The local people’s solution if they are unable to communicate effectively with foreigners are using body language, sign, and language technology along with language communication. Keywords - Communication, Language Ability, Local