Paper Title
The 210Pb Chronological Method Applied to Quartz-Sandstone and Carbonate Speleothems Occurring in Brazilian Caves

210Pbis a natural radionuclide extensively utilized for geochronological studies, with several applications for environmental approaches. In this study, the CF:CS model and a modified Constant Rate of Supply (CRS)model have been utilized in order to analyze speleothems occurring in Brazilian caves.Five quartz-sandstone stalactitesand eight carbonate soda straws have been collected and analyzed, yielding a relevant dataset for further paleoclimaticstudies under the timescale of up to about 150 years as the investigated sites are very important,constituting targets of several touristic activities. Keywords - 210Pb-chronological Method, Caves, Quartz-Sandstone Stalactites, Carbonate Speleothems, Growth Rates.