Paper Title
Is Universal Human Rights and Cultural relativism Reconciliable In Global Diversity?

There exista mutual conflict between universality of human rights and relativity of culture from time immemorial. Proponents of cultural relativism calls for tolerance towards the cultural traditions and practices of other peoples. Human rights scholars on the other hand advocate on the “commonalities” that suggest universal application of human rights tenets to all persons worldwide regardless of socio-cultural diversity. They claim that human beings possess similar sphere of right across the globe by virtue of being human. Both sides of the coin generates continues conflict on global justice. This paperargues that unless both perceives each other to be playing complementary role in global justice, the mutual conflict will continue to create problem for international human rights law. It suggests that there are ways to reconcile cultural relativism with universalism by providing some viable insights on how to actualize the project. Keywords: Culture, Diversity, Human Rights, International Human Rights, Universalism