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Technology has brought a paradigm shift in the way education is imparted within and outside the classroom. Gadgets and gizmos are continuously upgraded for faster and better results. With technology at the helm, students repose much less faith in their teacher’s .Proliferation of technology has taken focus away from the child who still needs great deal of assistance to sift and disseminate the available data. The noisy community parks have fallen silent because children prefer to play on tablets and lap-tops than ride on swings or balance on see-saws. They belong here, instead of painting themselves in a corner of the house and sending cryptic messages on Instagram, a good teacher can lead them back where they belong. It is a herculean task to keep the netizens engaged in a class because they feel that they can get the desired information from the internet. Teaching is a dynamic story telling which requires a balanced conversation between the teacher and the taught. Home schooling is an emerging concept because of proliferation of technology and the belief that it is possible to do away with the teacher. However schooling is not a fact finding mission for a designated part of the day but introduction of the child to the mini society. Technology can at best stimulate mind but what about heart? Internet may provide wholesale information all of which may not be useful. We still need the teacher to sift the relevant information. Addiction among children for social media is creating both sociological and psychological problems. It prevents children from engaging deeply either with others or themselves. Teaching is a passion where personal engagement is very important in a hyper connected world. Technology has put us on the moon but it is also hampering the very basic human connect, thus discouraging the children from reaching a friend across the road due to pre occupation with social media. Children are very real human beings and must be taught lasting human values. A lifeless computer can only give information but only a teacher can ensure that the knowledge is assimilated and absorbed by the child for life. Learning is a bouquet of varied of human emotions which brings joy in the end. Technology without supervision can manipulate children and wreck their lives. The mindless obsession with technology results in a dysfunctional emotional condition which makes them lonely and isolated. Keywords - Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos, Netizens, Home-Schooling, Collaboration, Cooperation, Coordination, Human values.