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In Indonesia, there is a scientific formulation of Sufism and Psychotherapy that has been taught in Islamic Universities. However, there is still little literature that discusses the process of scientific integration. Whereas, for a science, a strong foundation for its existence is needed. This research will make a way to find answers to these questions by first finding out the scientific position of Sufism and Psychotherapy in Psychological Studies. Data is obtained from literature that discusses the study of the development of psychology from western psychology to the existence of the science of Sufism and psychotherapy. Data analysis uses the theory of integration of sciences and religion which recently emerged in a country with a majority Muslim population, namely Indonesia. The theories used are Syed NaquibAlattas' theory of Islamization of science and Kuntowijoyo's theory of Islamic science. The results showed that its position in western psychology would only be an object or approach. Meanwhile, when viewed from the perspective of Islamic psychology, Sufism and psychotherapy are branches of science that can stand alone with a focus on the deeper psychological side of Islamic psychology, namely the mystical dimension of Islam. Keywords - Sufism and Psychotherapy, Psychology, Islamic Psychology