Paper Title
Minimization of Make-Span Using Comparative Analysis of Heuristics Algorithms in Flow Shop Manufacturing

Nowadays-manufacturing industries in the world are confronting competition due to technological advancements. Flow shop manufacturing systems are becoming more attractive than job shop because of the customers’ preference on mass-customized products. Hence, flow shop scheduling has been the focus of substantial amount of research over the past decades and the area is quiet attracting many researchers because of the NP completeness nature of the scheduling problems. In this manufacturing system effective job, scheduling minimize the make-span of jobs and this plays an important role in increasing the competitiveness of producers. The aim of this study therefore, is to minimize the make-span by deploying selected heuristics algorithms such as Palmers, Nawaz Enscore Ham (NEH), and Campbell Dudek and Smith (CDS). The proposed study resulted an optimal Make-Span of 38.63 minute which is less than the existing scheduling rule. These proposed scheduling algorithms resulted 22.43% Make-Span reduction than the existing FCFS rule. Keywords - CDS, Flow shop, Minimizing make-span, NEH, Palmer’s, Productivity, Scheduling.