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Abstract:- Purpose - This paper aims to examine the effects of knowledge-driven practices on theorchestration of innovation ecosystems in Ghana’s manufacturing industry. The vital position of manufacturing firms in today’s increasingly volatile environment coupled with fierce competition has been extensively acknowledged by academics and industry investment capitals. Design/Methodology/Approach - A qualitativecasestudyresearchwasexploredininvestigating this social phenomenon. The study used survey-generated data since it defines both occurringevents and discernments of the actors. This allows us tocaptureinterpretationsandreflectionsofthephenomenathroughre-tellingwhatwasexperiential.Conclusive outcomes restricted naturally occurring data dueto an inadequate framework to authenticate our working hypothesis (triangulation) as a supplementtoourgenerated data. The theoretical association model and an empirical correlation analysis were constructed based on relevant research using data collected from 34Hi-techfirms in Ghana as the subject, and path analysis was constructed using SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 24.0 to test the formulated hypotheses. Findings - Externalassociatesareincreasinglyreliedonbyfirmswhenpreliminaryingtheirinnovationingenuities. When leveraging on the capability for innovative venture conception, developing diverseinnovationnetworksdemonstratedfruitfulness.Nevertheless,continuallyvaryingecologicalinstantaneous rivalry coupled with cooperation competition challenges ecosystem administration.How a firm acquires knowledge, disseminates it, and finally its responsiveness toward the innovationecosystem was tested using developed hypotheses based on theoretical, and research frameworks. Research limitations/Implications- Thesampleusedslightlyunder-representedlargerfirmsandwasnot entirely characteristic of manufacturing industry segments. Data were also collected in Ghana sothestudy needs abroaderreplicationin differentcontextsandorcountrieswithlongitudinal studies. Practical Implications – This paper presents a comprehensive justification oftheeffectsofknowledge-drivenpracticesontheorchestrationofinnovationecosystems, anditssequentialprogress,anditsassociatedchallenges. Originality/Value – This paper is amongst the first to find empirical results to back the knowledge-drivenpracticesontheorchestrationofinnovationecosystems.Business requires collaboration, and a knowledge-driven entrepreneurial strategic mindset to attain successand leverage a firm’s innovation ecosystem resources and competencies. Knowledge-driven entrepreneurial thinking,dynamic interactions, and actions in an innovation ecosystem stimulate and spark innovation thereby perpetuatingcyclicalorganizational success. Additionally,aligningknowledgeasacoordinative instrument is a significantinput toourdiscernment inthis area. Keywords: Knowledge Capital, Cross-border Investment, Innovation Management, Hi-TechFirms, Absorptive Capacity.