Paper Title
Empirical Analysis of Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance in Unilever Nigeria Plc

The study examined employee engagement and organizational performance in unilever Nigeria Plc. Communication, collective bargaining, Human resource policy, working condition and employment level of education was used to evaluate employee engagement, while sales & market share, profitability, customer satisfaction, return on investment was used to evaluate organization profitability. The sample of 286 persons was drawn from various departments within the organization using purposive sampling method. Primary data used for the story was collected through the use of structured questionnaire, while the data was analyzed using SPSS. At 5% level of significance the result for hypothesis one shared that there is a significant relationship between employee engagement and organizational performance.In view of the findings of the study, the researcher recommended that organizations should always use the instrument of communication, collective bargaining, human resource policies and programmes, good working condition reward and recognition and adopting policies and programmes that will increase and strengthen educational advancements to achieve a healthier employee engagement and curb conflict that could impinge on organizational performance. Keywords - Employee engagement, organizational performance, collective bargaining, working condition, reward & recognition.