Paper Title
Quality Parameters and Variety Selection: How Does the Optimal Cherry Variety Choice Vary According to Farmers' Risk Perceptions?

This research aimed to (i) identify cherry varieties that maximize gross profit for producers in Taşova district, Amasya province, according to their risk perceptions; (ii) reveal the effective factors in selecting the optimal cherry variety/varieties by comparing the current situation with the optimal situation, and (iii) test the economic feasibility of the production of the optimal cherry variety/varieties. The data for the research were obtained from 98 farms in Taşova District in Amasya. A multi-criteria decision-making method was used to determine the cherry variety, taking into account consumer demands of cherry growers, quality, land, labor resources, environmental protection and changing prices over the years. The yield value used in the gross profit calculation used in the goal programming matrix was calculated by the quality criteria for each cherry variety. According to research results, Karabodur, Lambert and Early Burlet were optimal cherry varieties for Taşova District. Additionally, the gross profit per hectare is expected to rise from 1.16 thousand $ to 1.37 thousand $. Since the change in net income is positive, it is correct to state that switching to the optimum cherry varieties is profitable. When cherry growers take the risk of every 1% deviation in their income, would achieve a 0.14% increase in gross profit. With the assumption that risk control tools in the cherry production process prevent risk transfer thanks to agricultural technologies and production systems that have developed and continue to develop today, it would be correct to recommend growing profitable varieties rather than growing many varieties.Conducting macro-scale studies in which the goal cherry orchard facilities are determined on a district, provincial and regional basis by selecting the best varieties is also important for production planning and the perspective of the future years of cherry production. Keywords - Quality Parameters, Risk Perceptions, Variety Selection, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method