Paper Title
Common Culture and Communication Among West African Countries as a Strategy

How can we design AI educational programs to assist the young generational kids in Africa? The interactive model of learning probably describes the common phenomenon of how various learning processes interact to promote specific educational outcomes. This is a part of an ongoing thesis paper. In this paper we have studied the common culture of the people of West African countries, enabling us to have a common knowledge about their living style and educational culture. Using that as a strategy for acceptance so that we can design with them and impart to their young generational kids AI educational programs that will assist them in learning for future development and sustainability. We investigated their history in brief, food culture, clothing, music and dance, art and craft, beliefs and customs, games and sports, traditional technology and communication, national flags, and national symbols through qualitative methods and studied cases for our information gathering. The results show that West African traditional teaching techniques frequently place a significant emphasis on oral tradition and storytelling coupled with hand/manmade artifacts or products. The elderly and local authorities are crucial in transferring knowledge and wisdom to new generations. The cultural fabric preserves history, values, and traditions. Education is viewed as a communal duty in many West African countries. Participants including kids were shown how AI education programs and emotional design for kids boost learning outcomes. Keywords - Common Culture, Communication, Interaction, Experience, Emotion, AI Programs