Paper Title
Performance Study of Aerodynamic Phenomenon Called Flutter-Galloping for a Non-Conventional Wind Power Generation.

The experimental performance and implementation of the new aerodynamic phenomenon called Flutter-Galloping Resonance for a non-conventional wind power generation has been examined. The electric energy based on the limit cycle oscillation created by structural aeroelastic instability is used to wind energy harvesting controlled only by the angle attack for different wing section configurations. In this paper, four types of flutter-based energy harvesters (FEHs) including the fusion between a bladeless wind turbine and a delta wing section for airfoils NACA 0012, NACA4412 and NACA 4415- based are reviewed and compared with the bladeless central wind turbine. The initial experimental results show that the variable angle attack: (i) increasing of the frequency oscillation, (ii) increasing of the amplitude oscillation, (iii) arriving to the resonance limited for modal one and superior order for 7 different velocities. The spectral analysis results, with well-defined oscillation modes at different wind velocities, permits to stablish the possibility of exploiting the natural vibration produced by a variable angle attack during the stall and turbulence influence. Finally, the main Flutter-Galloping challenges are summarized, and future research directions are discussed. Keywords - Aerodynamic, Stall, Flutter, Galloping, Instability and Wind Power, Generation.