Paper Title
The Relationship Between the Energy Efficiency Labeled of Home Appliances and Household Electricity Expense in Thailand

This study aimed to investigate the impact of the energy efficiency of home appliances on Thai monthly household electricity expenses. Secondary data from the 2017 and 2019 Household Socioeconomic Survey (SES) compiled by the National Statistical Office were used in this study. The dependent variable was the monthly household electricity expense, and the independent variables included the number of five-star and non-five-star energy efficiency labels of home appliances occupied by households of Thai people and other related independent variables, which were demographic, household socioeconomic and dwelling characteristics. Multiple regression analysis was used to estimate the relationship between the number of five star and non-five stare energy efficiency labels of home appliances and the monthly Thai household electricity expense. When all the results held constant, there was a positive relationship between the five-star and non-five-star energy efficiency levels of the home appliances and the Thai household monthly electricity expense. The results also showed that, when all the other factors were equal, demographic and household socioeconomic characteristics and dwelling factors were significantly associated with Thai household monthly electricity expenses. Keywords - Energy Efficiency Labeled, Home Appliances, Household Electricity Expense