Paper Title
The Core factors for Culture to Drive Science and Technology Innovation

Over the past few hundred years, scientific and technological innovation has driven social and economic growth, changes human living habits, and the international political and economic. In response to the differences in historical factors and economic development of various countries, the demand for science and technology in different countries has been significantly changed. Among them, the scientific and technological applications that developing countries and developed countries value are increasingly different. Due to the early monopoly of technology and markets by major international technology companies, technological innovation and expansion can easily fall into a situation of focusing on technology and neglecting applications, and fail to make innovation achievements widely used by society, resulting in production waste and unequal competition in trade. In order to effectively apply the results of technological innovation, this paper will propose the advantages brought by culturally driven technological innovation and explore the relevant driving factors that assist growth. Keywords - Culture Innovation, Technology Innovation, Economic Growth, Inclusion, Diffusion.