Paper Title
Artificial Intelligence usage in Cryptography

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with cryptography enhances security and privacy, revolutionizing traditional methods and safeguarding digital assets by improving encryptionalgorithmsandenablingdynamicadaptationtoevolv- ing threats. AI-driven systems bolster cryptographic protocols with advanced anomaly detection and response mechanisms, for- tifying defenses against unauthorized access and data breaches. Moreover, AI facilitates autonomous adjustment of encryption parameters,optimizingsecuritywithoutsacrificingusability,and holds promise in quantum-resistant encryption by developing techniques resilient to quantum threats. Despite transformative potential, challenges such as new attack vectors and ethical concerns arise, necessitating rigorous security protocols and ongoingresearch.AIincryptographysignifiesaparadigmshiftin cybersecurity,offeringunmatchedcapabilitiesinthreatdetection and quantum resilience, albeit requiring concerted efforts to address technical, ethical, and regulatory challenges. Keywords - Cryptography, Artificial Intelligence, Security,