Paper Title
Analysis of The Self Concept of Kwon Min JU'S Character in Korean Drama A Time Called You Based on Person Centered Therapy
Person centered therapy is counseling that focuses on the person which is based on the fundamental belief that humans are essentially trustworthy, positive and creative. Personcentered therapy views the source of problems that commonly occur in individuals as a discrepancy in the individual's selfconcept, namely between the ideal self concept and the real self concept. This research analyzes the discrepancy in selfconcept between the ideal self concept and the real self concept of one of the characters in the Korean drama A Time Called You, namely Kwon Min Ju. This research uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The research results show that the selfconcept concept created by the character Kwon Min Ju caused problems for her in the form of low selfesteem, not loving herself, blaming herself and ultimately committing suicide. This is because there is a incruency between the ideal self concept built by Kwon Min Ju's character and the real self concept or the real situation that exists in her. The results of the research show that there is a incruency betweenKwon Min Ju’s ideal self concept and real self concept including regarding friendship, love and family relationships even about herself. The research provide an overview of what might happen to other individuals who experience the same thing as Kwon Min Ju's character.So theresults of this research can help scientific development in counseling, especially studying cases regarding individual problems in the person centered therapy perspective.
Keywords - Person Centered Therapy, Self Concept, Ideal SelfConcept, Real SelfConcept, Character of Kwon Min Ju, A Time CalledYou