Paper Title
Empowering Sustainability: The Strategic Role of Academic Libraries In Malaysian Research Universities

This study delves into the pivotal strategies deployed by academic libraries to champion sustainability within top-tier Malaysian research universities. By leveraging an extensive literature review and conducting thorough interviews with senior management and academic librarians, this study reveals the instrumental roles these libraries play in advancing campus sustainability. Focusing on three critical domains—knowledge dissemination and awareness, advocacy and leadership, and community engagement and participation—the research presents a detailed analysis of their contributions. Insights from the UI Green University Ranking contextualize these universities' global sustainability efforts, underscoring their proactive commitments. The findings illuminate academic librarians as dynamic agents of change, driving sustainability initiatives that resonate across higher education landscapes. This paper offers essential perspectives for researchers and practitioners, highlighting the transformative impact of academic libraries on sustainability, influencing educational policies, and enriching the global sustainability discourse. Keywords - Academic Libraries, Sustainability Initiatives, Green Library Movement, Campus Sustainability, Catalysts