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India's economy has grown enormously over the past few decades on all fronts, but the country still faces number of challenges as a result of an explosive population and traffic congestion. Furthermore, traffic safety problems have turned into a media sensation, resulting in hospital stays, fatalities, and injuries, among other consequences. Every year, around 1.6 lakh people pass away on Indian roadways, translating to 1130 accidents and 422 fatalities daily, or 47 accidents and 18 fatalities every hour. It not only places an important financial strain on the government coffers but is also not covered by the victims' families. The goal of the current study is to identify the elements which contribute to traffic accidents in the states of Punjab and Haryana. To analyze both primary and secondary data of two transport depots each of (PEPSU) Punjab and Haryana Roadways has been taken and found that over speeding. overtaking, alcoholism, passengers boarding on buses, road conditions, weather conditions and stress among the drivers are significant factors of road accidents in both the states. It is necessary to take preventative measures and include other stakeholders in the area of road safety toaddress these issues with accidents. Road safety awareness campaigns and the development of appropriate transportation policies, including more proactive actions, decision-making, and the establishment of strict regulations, will be beneficial. Everybody who is involved values road safety, and the government must act appropriately to promote it. Keywords - Accidents, Causes , Precautions and Safety.