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First, we present a summary of the current state of our Observatory. Secondly, I talk about the future of our Astronomical and Space Sciences Center, looking forward to establishing international links through agreements with important Astronomical Observatories of Russia. Through our dedicated work we have managed to participate in several international projects and also in scientific meetings in different places over the world. We have got the International Code “H78” from the “MINOR PLANET CENTER” of the USA, and our data also appears in “NEAR EARTH OBJECTS-DYNAMIC SITE-NEODyS”. We belong to the “INTERNATIONAL ASTEROID WARNING NETWORD – IAWN”. We have also participated in simulated collisions of Asteroids with Earth, and in the international study of the Asteroid APOPHIS. We are currently building the new Center for Astronomical and Space Sciences (project which was approved and financed by the government of Colombia) that will have the following components: a professional Observatory equipped with the largest telescope in Colombia (one meter in diameter), an amateur Observatory so that children and adolescents in the region begin to work from an early age in the fascinating field of scientific research, and a Planetarium. This Science Center will begin operating in October 2025. Taking into account these achievements, we look forward to having a close collaboration with Russia, making our current Observatory and the future Centeravailable to scientists and students of this nation, and to being able to invite them to the meetings that we will hold at the Center of Sciences starting in 2025. The study of Asteroids and Comets is of great importance for the whole world and especially for Russia, which has an immense area and therefore holds a greater probability of impact from these bodies. Russia, along with the USA were the pioneer nations of space exploration, and it would be a great honor to be able to establish agreements with Russia to participate in Astrophysics projects related to Asteroids, Comets and Exoplanets. Creation of the Sciences Center: To contribute to the development of the fundamentals of astronomy and space sciences research at a national and international level, in order to more effectively link Colombia to world networks associated with Space Agencies, Research Centers and foreign Universities. From these research initiatives, to socialize in an enjoyable and creative way, the latest advances in Astronomy, Space Sciences and Culture in general.Also facilitating the strategies to implement scientific and cultural creativity in the people of Narino so they can see science as a future field of action. Keywords - Russia, Colombia, University of Narino Observatory, Alberto QuijanoVodniza, Center for Astronomical and Space Sciences, Pasto, Narino, asteroids,comets,exoplanets, Astrophysics, cultural creativity, IAWN, MPC