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Our study in the Mtirala National Park of Adjara (Georgia) began in 2022-2023 and included 50 surveyed sites. The Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands occupy the central part of the Colchic region, which in turn is part of the Caucasus region. The predominant vegetation consists of beech and oak forests, but also a forest of chestnut. The aim of the study was to identify and determine the composition of on different macroscopic fungi; A total of 215 macrofungal species species were recorded, of which 205 belong to the Basidiomycota phylum and 10 to the Ascomycota phylum. Fungal taxa of species were included in the study. Thera are 50 species are considered edible, 17 poisonous, while 148 species are inedible in the Mtirala National Park. We study 35 families, 64 genera, 215 species. The number of species next leading families are singled out: Russulaceae, Amanitaceae, Boletaceae, Strophariaceae, Agaricaceae. Richness genera are: Amanita, Lactarius , Russula. Understanding the diversity and ecological roles of macromycetes in the forests is crucial for conservation efforts and sustainable forest management practices. Continued research into these fungi will provide valuable insights into the functioning and resilience of beech and chestnut forest ecosystems in the face of environmental changes and anthropogenic disturbances. Keywords - Macromicetes, Mtirala National Park, Forest, Fungy